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2019-11-14 07:02



[1]Hongxue Qi, Xiuling Chen, Yi-en Du, Xianjun Niu, Fang Guo, Wanxi Li*. Cancer risk assessment of soils contaminatedby polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Shanxi, China [J].Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety, 2019.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.10938.

[2]Hongxue Qi, Huizhen Li, You Jing*, et al. Effect-directedanalysisof toxicants in sedimentwith combined passive dosing and in vivo toxicity testing [J].Enviromental Science and Technology, 2017, 51(11): 6414–6421.

[3]Hongxue Qi, Ping Ma, Huizhen Li, Jing You*. Assessmentof sediment risk in the north end of Tai Lake, China: Integrating sedimentchemistry and chronic toxicity testing withChironomusdilutus[J]. Archives of Environmental Contamination andToxicology, 2015, 69: 461–469.

[4]Hongxue Qi, Huizhen Li, Ping Ma, Jing You*. Intergratedsediment quality assessment through biomarker responses and bioavailabilitymeasurements: Application in Tai Lake, China [J].Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 119:148–154.

[5]Yanhong Li#,Hongxue Qi#,Xiaobo Li*, et al.A novel dithiocarbamate derivative induces cell apoptosis throughp53-dependent intrinsic pathway and suppresses the expression of the E6oncogene of human papillomavirus 18 in HeLa cells[J]. Apoptosis, 2015, 20 (6):787–795.(Co-author)

[6]祁红学, 游静*. 被动加标在水生生态风险评价中的应用—以多氯联苯分配系数的测定为例[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2015, 10(2): 45–55.

[7]Lihong Li*, Hongxue Qi.Effect of acute ammonia exposure on the glutathione redox system in FFRC straincommon carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) [J]. Environmental Science and PollutionResearch International, 2019, 26(26):27023–27031.

[8]Wanxi Li*,Hongxue Qi, Fang Guo, Yien Du,Ningjing Song, Yanyun Liu, Yongqiang Chen*. Co nanoparticles supported on cotton-basedcarbon fibers: A novel broadband microwave absorbent [J]. Journal of Alloys andCompounds,2019, 772:760-769.

[9]Wanxi Li*, Hongxue Qi, Xianjun Niu, et al.Fe-Fe3C/C microspheres as a lightweight microwave absorbent [J].Rsc Advances,2016,6(30):2482024826.

[10]WanxiLi*, HongxueQi, Yi-enDu. Fe–Fe3C/C Fibers as a highly efficientmicrowave absorbent[J]. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2017, 17(7):45044510.

[11]XiulingChen, Hongxue Qi, ShaofengWu, Leng Liu*, Jun Li*. et al. Effcient construction of N-heterocycles from benzylic ethers/alcohols and o-substituted anilines without using anycatalyst and additive [J]. Heterocycles,2017,1(94): 8694.

[12]Fei Wang,HongxueQi, Jing You*. Joint toxicity of sediment-associated DDT and copper to apolychaete, Nereis succinea[J].Ecotoxicology, 2015, 24(2): 424–432.

[13]Cheng Fei, Li Huizhen*, Qi Hongxue,Jing You. Contribution of pyrethroids in large urban rivers to sedimenttoxicity assessed with benthic invertebrates Chironomus dilutus: A case study in south China [J].Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2017, 9999:.

[14]Yanhong Li, Xuying Lu, Hongxue Qi, Xiaobo Li*, et al. Ursolic acid induces apoptosis throughmitochondrial intrinsic pathway and suppression of ERK1/2 MAPK in HeLa Cells[J]. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 2014, 125(2): 202-210.

[15]Hairong Ma*, Jie Wang, HongxueQi, et al. Assessment of the estrogenic activities of chickpea (Cicerarietinum L) sprout isoflavone extract in ovariectomized rats [J]. ActaPharmacologica Sinica, 2013,34(3):380–386.

[16]Du YE, Niu X, Bai Y, Hongxue Qi,et al. Synthesis of Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystals withDefined Morphologies from Exfoliated Nanoribbons: Photocatalytic Performanceand Application in Dyesensitized Solar Cell [J]. Chemistryselect, 2019, 4(15): 4443-4457.

[17]Xianjun Niu, Yi-en Du, Yufang Liu, HongxueQi,et al. Hydrothermal synthesis and formation mechanism of the anatasenanocrystals with co-exposed high-energy, {010} and [111]-facets for enhancedphotocatalytic performance [J]. RSC Advances, 2017,7(40):2461624627.

[18]GuoFang, LiJun,LiWanxi, ChenXiuling, QiHongxue, etal. Quinoline Hydrodenitrogenation over NiW/Al-MCM-41 Catalysts with DifferentAl Contents [J]. Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry (Translation of ZhurnalPrikladnoi Khimii), 2017, 90(12):2055-2063.


[1] 李晓波, 陆雪莹, 祁红学, . 一种天然化合物木犀草素在抗乙型肝炎病毒中的用途[P]. 发明专利, 中国. CN103142581A, 2013.

[2] 李慧珍, 游静, 祁红学. 一种HOCs的被动加标方法及其在效应导向分析中的应用[P]. 发明专利, 中国. CN106970171A, 2017.


[1] 环境生态修复创客团队, 晋中学院“1331工程”创客团队项目,jzxycktd2019031, 2019.112022.1115万元,主持。

[2] 超声电极摩擦副表面积织构化设计及性能研究,南京航空航天大学国家重点实验室开放基金, NJ201600022016.01–2017.123万元,主持。

[3] 功能MOFs及其衍生材料的制备与性能, 山西省“1331工程”重点创新团队项目, 201817,2019.012021.1260万元,参与。

[4] 光电材料的制备与性能研究, 晋中学院“1331工程”重点创新团队项目, 201707,2018.012020.1260万元,参与。

[5] 基于废弃生物质设计合成轻质高效微波吸收剂的研究,山西省科技创新项目:20171722017.5–2019.52万元,参与。

[6] 地方新建高校应用型人才的教学体系构建与实践—以分析化学专业为例,山西省高等学校教学改革创新项目, J20190212019.5–2021.5, 2万元,参与。

[7] 珠江广州段水体沉积物生态毒性的鉴别与评价(面上项目41273120),2013–2016,参与

[8] 典型污染物的毒性测试与评价技术研究Y201311B11),20122014。水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2012ZX07503-003-002)湖泊主题,太湖工程示范项目,流域水生态风险评估与预警技术体系课题的子课题,参与

