序号 | 论文名称 | 作者(*) | 发表时间 | 刊物名称 |
1 | A Two-Fold Interpenetrated Coordination Framework with a Rare (3,6)-Connected loh1 Topology: Magnetic Properties and Photocatalytic Behavior | 陈勇强 | 2012 | Crystal growth& design |
2 | In situ deaminization reaction of the D-3-(4-Pyridyl)-alanine: a chiral zigzag chain and a five-fold interpenetrated diamondoid network. | 杜意恩 | 2012 | Inorganic Chemistry Communications |
3 | Solvothermal Synthesis and Structural Characterization of A NewOne-Dimensional Chain Coordination Polymer [Co(bpdc)(dpa)]n (H2bpdc = benzophenone-4,4’-dicarboxylic acid, dpa = 2,2’-Dipyridylanine). | 杜意恩 | 2012 | Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry |
4 | Enhancing the Stokes' shift of BODIPY dyes via through-bond energytransfer and its application for Fe3+-detection in live cell imaging | 渠星宇 | 2012 | Chemical Communications |
5 | 酸改性粉煤灰对罗丹明B的吸附研究 | 张保柱 | 2012 | 应用化工 |
6 | 使君子叶和枝中总黄酮含量的测定 | 李改仙 | 2012 | 海南师范大学学报 |
7 | 大学与中学衔接期教育的思考 | 李改仙 | 2012 | 晋中学院学报 |
8 | 关于吸热反应的研究 | 乔金锁 | 2012 | 化学教育 |
9 | 用碳酸饮料验证二氧化碳性质的教学设计 | 乔金锁 | 2012 | 化学教育 |
10 | 影响化学教师成为名师的因素探析 | 乔金锁 | 2012 | 化学教育 |
11 | 用NaOH鉴别真假白酒的实验研究 | 乔金锁 | 2012 | 中学化学教学参考 |
12 | 蜡笔类产品的起源与研发 | 温建辉 | 2012 | 中国制笔 |
13 | 5种荧光染料探针与牛血清白蛋白相互作用研究 | 郭彦青 | 2012 | 分子科学学报 |
14 | 鲁米诺化学发光测定食品中的二氧化硫残留量 | 郭彦青 | 2012 | 光谱实验室 |
15 | b–环糊精-分子内电荷转移荧光探针-牛血清白蛋白三元超分子体系的荧光光谱研究 | 刘毓芳 | 2012 | 分析科学学报 |
16 | 高校学生评价存在的问题与优化路径探索 | 何婧 | 2012 | 安康学院学报 |
17 | 纸层析法分离鉴定柠檬酸 | 路敏 | 2012 | 赤峰学院学报(自然科学版) |
18 | New Acceptor–Bridge–Donor Strategy for Enhancing NLO Response with Long-Range Excess Electron Transfer from the NH2...M/M3O Donor (M = Li, Na, K) to Inside the Electron Hole Cage C20F19 Acceptor through the Unusual σ Chain Bridge (CH2)4 | 白杨 | 2013 | J. Phys. Chem. A |
19 | The effects of external electric field: creating non-zero first hyperpolarizability for centrosymmetric benzene and strongly enhancing first hyperpolarizability for non-centrosymmetric edge-modified graphene ribbon H2N-(3,3)ZGNR-NO2 | 白杨 | 2013 | J. Mol. Model. |
20 | 链式多Li掺杂分子H(HC=N-Li)nH(n=1-6)的NLO性质及其链长依赖性 | 白杨 | 2013 | 高等学校化学学报 |
21 | Synthesis of Imides by Palladium-Catalyzed C_H Functionalization of Aldehydes with Secondary Amides | 边永军 | 2013 | Chem. Eur. J. |
22 | Mn(II) metal–organic frameworks based on Mn3 clusters: from 2D layer to 3D framework by the “pillaring” approach | 陈勇强 | 2013 | Cryst. Eng. Comm. |
23 | Water-Insoluble Heterometal-Oxide-Based Photocatalysts Effective for the Photo-Decomposition of Methyl Orange | 陈勇强 | 2013 | Cryst. Eng. Comm. |
24 | A Cu(I) metal–organic framework with 4-fold helical channels for sensing anions | 陈勇强 | 2013 | Chemical Science |
25 | Solvothermal Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a New One_Dimensional Metal_Organic Framework [Co(Atibdc)(Dpa)]n (H2Tibdc = 5-Amino-2,4,6-Triiodoisophthalic Acid, Dpa = 2,2'-Dipyridylamine) | 杜意恩 | 2013 | Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry |
26 | Hydrothermal Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a One-Dimensional Coordination Polymer [Zn(Pydc)(Dppz)]n (H2Pydc = 2,6-Pyridinedicarboxylic Acid, Dppz = Dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]Phenazine) | 杜意恩 | 2013 | Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry |
27 | 以4-(1-咪唑基)苯甲酸和桥连氯构筑的一维梯状结构的镉配位聚合物的晶体结构和荧光性质 | 李芬芳 | 2013 | 无机化学学报 |
28 | Sub-30 nm Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3 octahedral particles: preparation and microwave absorption properties | 李万喜 | 2013 | Journal of Nanoparticle Research |
29 | 三维网状石墨烯的制备及其在超级电容器中的应用 | 刘艳云 | 2013 | 储能科学与杂志 |
30 | Hydrothermal syntheses, crystal structures and properties of Keggin-type polyoxometalate[ZnO0.5•(4,4΄-bpy)1.5 [HPMo12O40](H2O)2]24H2O | 吕秀清 | 2013 | 海南师范大学学报 |
31 | [Co(1,10’-phen)3]2[SiW12O40]·2H2O的水热合成和晶体结构 | 吕秀清 | 2013 | 晋中学院学报 |
32 | A red fluorescent turn-on probe for hydrogen sulfide Q1 Q2 and its application in living cells? | 渠星宇 | 2013 | Chemical Communications |
33 | 混酸改性粉煤灰对罗丹明B模拟废水的吸附性能研究 | 张保柱 | 2013 | 晋中学院学报 |