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白 杨


白杨,女,1985年10月生,河南洛阳,博士。 2006年毕业于烟台大学化学工程与工艺专业,获工学学士学位;2009年毕业于烟台大学物理化学专业,获理学硕士学位;2013年毕业于吉林大学物理化学专业,获理学博士学位。多年来主要从事量子化学计算方面的研究,曾参与国家自然科学重点及面上项目等多项课题,已发表多篇SCI论文。

1. Yang Bai, Hui-Min He, Ying Li, Zhi-Ru Li, Zhong-Jun Zhou, Jia-Jun Wang, Di Wu, Wei Chen, Feng-Long Gu, Bobby G. Sumpter, and Jingsong Huang. “Electric Field Effects on the Intermolecular Interactions in Water Whiskers: Insight from Structures, Energetics, and Properties.” J. Phys. Chem. A 2015,119(10): 2083-2090.

2. Yang Bai, Zhong-Jun Zhou, Jia-Jun Wang, Ying Li, Di Wu, Wei Chen, Zhi-Ru Li and Chia-Chung Sun. "New Acceptor–Bridge–Donor Strategy for Enhancing NLO Response with Long-Range Excess Electron Transfer from the NH2...M/M3O Donor (M = Li, Na, K) to Inside the Electron Hole Cage C20F19 Acceptor through the Unusual σ Chain Bridge (CH2)4." J. Phys. Chem. A 2013,117(13): 2835-2843.

3. Yang Bai, Zhong-Jun Zhou, Jia-Jun Wang, Ying Li, Di Wu, Wei Chen, Zhi-Ru Li and Chia-Chung Sun. "The effects of external electric field: creating non-zero first hyperpolarizability for centrosymmetric benzene and strongly enhancing first hyperpolarizability for non-centrosymmetric edge-modified graphene ribbon H2N-(3,3)ZGNR-NO2." J. Mol. Model. 2013,19(9): 3983-3991.

4. 白杨;王家军;周中军;李莹;吴迪;李志儒;孙家钟; “链式多Li掺杂分子H(HC=N-Li)nH(n=1-6)的NLO性质及其链长依赖性”高等学校化学学报,2013,34(11): 2546-2550.

5. Jia-Jun Wang, Zhou-Jun Zhou, Yang Bai, Zhen-Bo Liu, Ying Li, Di Wu, Wei Chen, Zhi-Ru Li and Chia-Chung Sun. "The interaction between superalkalis (M3O, M= Na, K) and a C20F20 cage forming superalkali electride salt molecules with excess electrons inside the C20F20 cage: dramatic superalkali effect on the nonlinear optical property." J. Mater. Chem. 2012,22: 9652-9657.